Cornish Kern
Cornish Kern
Cornish Kern is a modern British hard cheese made by Lynher Dairies Cheese Company in West Cornwall, England. Cornish Kern is a hard cow's milk cheese inspired by Gouda, with added Alpine style starter cultures which encourage the sweet, bright and nutty flavours to come through. Kern is the Cornish word meaning "round".
Each wheel has an attractive coat of thin black wax that allows the cheese to be matured for 12 months without losing too much moisture. The result is a dense, fudgy texture with a flaky centre and a complex flavour profile that is buttery with caramel notes and is intensely savoury on the nose. The lingering caramel sweetness is accentuated by a proper dose of salt. This is cheese that appeals to the masses.
Country of origin: England
Region, town: Near Truro, West Cornwall
Source of milk: Cow's Milk
Texture: hard and waxy
Flavour: rich, sweet, nutty
Aging time: 12 months
*All our cheeses are cut by hand so the weight may vary slightly :)