Mimolette Vieille

Mimolette Vieille
Its natural rind is also unique in the way that it is aged. You will notice that the rind has small cavities scattered across the exterior that looks almost moon like in appearance. This is a result of microscopic cheese mites that are allowed to burrow, which promotes ripening and create a special aroma.
Mimolette is a French cow's milk cheese from Lille, in the north of France and its bright orange interior is as interesting as its history. There are a few variations in story behind Mimolette, but it all started from French trade being cut off from the Netherlands during the Franco-Dutch war. As France did not have access to the popular Dutch cheese, Edam, the French finance minster Jean Baptiste Colbert commissioned the cheese makers in the north of France to create a replica, with one distinguishing feature, it's orange appearance. It has also been said that after Edam supply was cut off from France, the finance minster commissioned makers to recreate Edam. However, these makers failed to get the making right, but in doing so, created Mimolette. Some may have also heard Mimolette be referred to as, Boule de Lille, which gives reference to the city of Lille where it was first matured.
Mimolette falls into the category of washed-curd cheeses. This is as it sounds, once the cheeses making has been started (pasteurisation and rennet), they partially drain the whey and steeped in a hot "bath" of whey, which creates a plasticizing or stretchy consistency yielding a smooth, creamier texture and sweeter, less acidic taste. These curds are then coloured with annatto (a plant based pigament) before being pressed for 24-36 hours followed by a salt bath. This cheese can is sold during different stages of maturation, starting from Jeune (less than six months), mi-vieille (between six-twelve months), vieille (12-18 months) and tres vieille (18-24 months).
Country of origin: France
Region, town: Nord, Lille
Source of milk: Cow's Milk
Texture: Hard, firm, dense
Flavour: Buttery, caramel, nutty, sweet, fruity and slightly salty
Aging time: minimum 12 months
Serving suggestion: This is a beautiful table cheese, great for scattering through a salad or for cooking in an omelette.
Wine Pairing: Based on this diverse flavour profile, you can pair this cheese with beer, lighter reds and even dessert wines and ports!
*All our cheeses are cut by hand so the weight may vary slightly :)