Delice du Jura
Delice du Jura
Looking to make Tartiflette? Look no further. Delice du Jura from Jura, France, is aged in a cellar or cave, where it is turned every two days and washed with brine or whey to speed the aging process. As a result of this process, the rind forms a yellowish, velvety exterior. Delice du Jura has an exceptionally creamy texture, a nutty aftertaste, and a delicate herbal aroma.
Country of origin: France
Region, town: Jura
Source of milk: cow’s milk
Texture: soft washed-rind
Flavour: mild nutty, buttery
Aging time: minimum 2 weeks
Wheel size: 500g
Serving suggestion: This cheese pairs well with crackers and dried fruits. It is best baked on potatoes in a traditional French recipe - La Tartiflette
Wine Pairing: Pairs well with red Burgundy, light Pinot Noirs and Champagne.
1/2 is approximately 200 to 300g
1 full is approximately 450 to 550g
Weight may vary for each induvidual wheel.